R A Valuation Services Limited specialises in providing HMRC approved goodwill valuations for incorporation purposes.
Mark Ridout, head of the valuation team at R A Valuation Services, has produced numerous share and goodwill valuations for tax purposes that have been approved by HMRC. In addition, Mark and others in the team have negotiated highly favourable outcomes for tax payers in challenges with HMRC.
After the ruling in the Wildin case (Graham Michael Wildin v HMRC [2014] TC03586), the value of goodwill must be justifiably commercially sustainable for acceptance by HMRC. R A Valuation Services is well aware of the parameters within which HMRC expect valuations to be placed for acceptance - reports are bespoke and geared to each client’s individual circumstances and requirements. Mark Ridout is recognised as an expert witness, having supplied business valuation reports to many UK courts.
We are happy to explain the process and what you would need to provide, so why not phone the office on 01425 402 402.
An expert business valuation supported by a professionally prepared Valuation Report from an independent and authoritative source is an essential aid for:
Valuation Reports produced by R A Valuation Services Ltd are bespoke and geared to each client’s individual circumstances and requirements; they are definitive and realistic in the market place. As we are recognised as expert witnesses for supplying Valuation Reports to UK courts and HMRC queries/challenges, we are acknowledged to be the authoritative business valuer by:
R A Valuation Services' Valuation Reports are tailor-made for their purposes, definitive and realistic in the market place. Indeed, such is their authority that an R A Valuation Services' Valuation Report is normally insisted upon in support of negotiations.