We are confident that you will find the business valuation process straightforward, discreet and timely, and that our report will entirely fit your specific requirements.
Every enquiry is individual and so each instruction is treated uniquely. Please phone us on 01425 402 402 to discuss the particular situation and circumstances... We can also explain the process in detail and answer any specific queries that you may have.
In the meanwhile you may find the frequently asked questions below to be helpful.
Requirements are recent trading accounts together with completion of a simple generic questionnaire (to get the context behind the enquiry). Upon receipt of the form and perusal of the figures we request more details that are specific to the business - relating to its trading environment, commercial relationships and so on - as this may have a bearing on the value.
Each valuation is bespoke and the methodology or methodologies taken as appropriate dependent upon the unique circumstances of the instruction and the business itself. As a guide, our valuation typically involves working from several accounting methods based around business performance and return on investment.
Fundamentally - and perhaps uniquely - we hold a substantial database of business sale and share transaction data (across an expansive selection of industries, business sectors, sub-sectors and niche ventures) to derive a suitable earnings multiple or industry specific approach and to verify the assessment as fair and realistic in the open market. This data also enables each valuation to be benchmarked against genuine transfer activity, ensuring that market trends are observed and greater accuracy achieved. Comparable data is kept up-to-date and highly relevant. Other factors - such as liquidity and surplus assets/net debt - are also appraised to derive a value of a business or company, with proportional and/or minority interest considerations, likewise if or where relevant, factored for specific shareholdings.
We endeavour to work to any timeframe requirement within reason. As anticipated completion times can be influenced by current workload and valuer availability, please contact R A Valuation Services on 01425 402 402 or email for details.
Our valuation service is sensibly and competitively priced. In order for us to provide an accurate quote for undertaking the valuation, please contact R A Valuation Services on 01425 402 402 or complete and forward an Initial Questionnaire.
R A Valuation Services Limited is a UK registered company that since 1991 has specialised solely in business valuation, with no interest in obtaining further instructions to sell a business or provide financial or other services. As purely valuation specialists, all valuations are genuinely impartial and independent. When R A Valuation Services Ltd was established in 1991, the focus was on the optical and goldsmith sectors. Subsequently, healthcare organisations, retail, professional services, wholesale, technology and many other generic and specialised sectors followed. Within the last fifteen years - primarily as a result of requests from businesses, professional bodies and courts along with extensive additional resources and consultants' expertise - R A Valuation Services has been able to further extend and broaden the types of businesses assessed and have expertise across a huge range of business types and sizes, including highly niche organisations and the valuation of other intangibles such as software, IP and trade marks.
An expert business valuation supported by a professionally prepared Valuation Report from an independent and authoritative source is an essential aid for:
Valuation Reports produced by R A Valuation Services Ltd are bespoke and geared to each client’s individual circumstances and requirements; they are definitive and realistic in the market place. As we are recognised as expert witnesses for supplying Valuation Reports to UK courts and HMRC queries/challenges, we are acknowledged to be the authoritative business valuer by:
R A Valuation Services' Valuation Reports are tailor-made for their purposes, definitive and realistic in the market place. Indeed, such is their authority that an R A Valuation Services' Valuation Report is normally insisted upon in support of negotiations.