Businesses and companies can be as different as the people who run and work in them. Some businesses may be highly profitable whilst others may have valuable assets such as plant, machinery and property. This can make it very difficult to compare any two businesses like for like. What we can do however, is to consider how much a business is worth by using one or more appropriate recognised valuation methods together with considerable experience and expertise.
Businesses need to be valued for a number of reasons such as their purchase and sale, obtaining a listing, inheritance tax, capital gains tax computations, dispute resolution, matrimonial settlements and numerous other reasons. Generally, valuation difficulties are restricted to unlisted companies because listed companies have a quoted share price. However, even listed companies can present valuation challenges for example when one is trying to predict the effect of a takeover on the share price.
R A Valuation Services Limited specialises in preparing share valuations for private limited companies and goodwill valuations and asset valuations for sole traders, partnerships and LLPs and of all sizes in the UK, Europe and on a global basis.
An accurate and independent assessment of the value of a business is an essential tool in any form of business change or development. Our Valuation reports are an important, if not vital, aid to business owners, prospective purchasers and their financial and legal advisers.
R A Valuation Services specialises in providing sensibly and competitively priced formal company valuation and business valuation reports for all types and sizes of sole traders, partnerships, LLPs, private limited companies businesses and other organisations in the UK and Europe.
R A Valuation Services Limited was established in 1991 and has conducted several thousand independent business valuations since.
We are happy to explain the process and what you would need to provide, so why not phone the office on 01425 402 402.
An expert business valuation supported by a professionally prepared Valuation Report from an independent and authoritative source is an essential aid for:
Valuation Reports produced by R A Valuation Services Ltd are bespoke and geared to each client’s individual circumstances and requirements; they are definitive and realistic in the market place. As we are recognised as expert witnesses for supplying Valuation Reports to UK courts and HMRC queries/challenges, we are acknowledged to be the authoritative business valuer by:
R A Valuation Services' Valuation Reports are tailor-made for their purposes, definitive and realistic in the market place. Indeed, such is their authority that an R A Valuation Services' Valuation Report is normally insisted upon in support of negotiations.