R A Valuation Services Limited is the leading provider of business valuation services in the UK - trusted by accountants, solicitors, advisors and commercial organisations to bring understanding and transparency to the valuation of a business.
We specialise in providing share valuations, asset valuations and goodwill valuations for small businesses and private limited companies in the UK and Europe.
An accurate and independent assessment of the value of a business is an essential tool in any form of business change or development. Our Valuation reports are an important, if not vital, aid to business owners, prospective purchasers and their financial and legal advisers.
We are genuinely independent and not impeded by the need to offer other, possibly conflicting, services.
An expert business valuation supported by a professionally prepared Valuation Report from an independent and authoritative source is an essential aid for:
Valuation Reports produced by R A Valuation Services Ltd are bespoke and geared to each client’s individual circumstances and requirements; they are definitive and realistic in the market place. As we are recognised as expert witnesses for supplying Valuation Reports to UK courts and HMRC queries/challenges, we are acknowledged to be the authoritative business valuer by:
R A Valuation Services' Valuation Reports are tailor-made for their purposes, definitive and realistic in the market place. Indeed, such is their authority that an R A Valuation Services' Valuation Report is normally insisted upon in support of negotiations.